National 24 Hour Prayer Watch 09/23

God is at Work

Flashes of light are shining out of the darkness in the world around us. God is at work in many different ways, ways which we might not expect or anticipate. One such way was when the Essendon Football Club apologised to Andrew Thorburn for its handling of his appointment and subsequent sacking of him as its chief executive. Both parties had considered that the way the public reacted at the time was extreme, wrong, and counter-productive. They then acknowledged the need for everyone to be able to openly express their personal position, in a respectful way, without fear and feeling that they needed to belong. This included people of faith.  Mr Thorburn then wished Essendon well after they had resolved his claim for compensation. The club had affirmed there was a need for genuine diversity and inclusion. They acknowledged that he had been wrongfully terminated when forced to decide between the City on a Hill leadership and the Essendon position. The Essendon club then described Mr Thorburn as a person of integrity who treated others, whether at work or elsewhere, with dignity and respect. He was someone who had a strong track record of leadership including the way he respected diversity and included LGBTIQ and other minority groups.

As well as causing great destruction, the invasion of Ukraine has also caused many Ukrainians to want to seek God. There has been a real demand for Bibles. About 360 thousand copies have already been given out during the first nine months of war. In Asbury University USA a few weeks ago, it was reported that there was a real desire to seek God’s face. This led to at least 100 people humbling themselves and falling to their knees in a service. This was followed by an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Visitors have been coming in from around the U.S. and the world. An estimated 15,000 to 20,000+ people attended services over last weekend at Asbury.

Let’s pray:

* Thanking God for how He is challenging people in Australia, Ukraine and USA and praying that young and old Australians will also desire to seek God’s face, humble ourselves, and be brought to our knees.

* For the Lord to open our eyes to see more clearly what He is doing worldwide and the battles He is winning in the lives of people both locally and nationally.

* Like David and clap our hands and shout unto God with the voice of triumph. Let us acknowledge that the Lord is a great King over all the earth and sing praises to God, sing praises unto our King.  (from Ps 47:1-7)


Acknowledging Truth – All Flesh Is Not the Same Flesh

The Bible says, “All flesh is not the same flesh, there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of animals, another of fish, and another of birds” (1 Corinthians 15:39) The Bible also tells us that we are made in God’s image. We are not merely a higher form of species on the evolutionary scale. As human beings, we are aware of our “being”. God is “I AM” and we know that we are. We have understanding that we exist. Only humans have the unique capability to appreciate God for His incredible creation and to respond to His love. God created us, redeemed us and has a special purpose for us. He also loves us so much that when we die, He wants to take us to Heaven to live with Him forever.

Please pray:

*   for people to recapture the understanding that each one of us has been made in the image of God and is unique in every aspect of our being, worthy of personal honour and respect.

*   that the laws of our nation will reflect the sanctity of life of every human being who is made in the image of God.

*   that there would be a developing understanding of our responsibility of how to meaningfully care for all of God’s creation, in line with God’s original order of the primacy of those created human over all other forms of creation. (Gen 1: 28-30) and (Psalm 8: 4-8).


Victoria’s Assisted Dying Law May Be Relaxed

Victoria has a statutory gag on doctors raising the issue of voluntary assisted dying (VAD) with terminally ill patients.  This law was passed in 2019. However, the act stipulates that after four years of operation the VAD law must be evaluated, that is from July 1 this year.  South Australia has adopted the Victorian ban.  By contrast, the laws in Queensland, Western Australia, Tasmania and NSW allow doctors to initiate a discussion of VAD with patients, provided they also detail the benefits of end-of-life care and treatments. Victoria’s Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board chair Julian Gardner said, “The restriction on medical practitioners was put in to recognise that many people have a lot of faith in their doctor and …that if the doctor raises it they may feel some undue pressure to go along with that option.  It was seen as a safeguard.” In Queensland and WA, where doctors are allowed to initiate discussions on VAD with terminally ill patients, the take-up amounts to 1.1% of all deaths.  In Victoria it is far lower.

Please pray:

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

*   Pray for all the doctors in our country who are conflicted or unwilling to initiate discussions about VAD with their patients. Pray for increased support within the medical profession for palliative care.

*   Pray that Victoria’s Voluntary Assisted Dying Review Board will not reverse the decision to impose a statutory gag on doctors raising the issue of voluntary assisted dying with patients.

*   Pray for all people experiencing pain and hopelessness, that our God would comfort them and fill them with hope.


Praying for Issues in the News

*   The current state of the economy and the rising cost of living is causing much pain within the populace and conjecture within Government as to how to address the numerous problems facing our nation. Unfortunately whatever the Government decides to do will draw criticism from those affected. Human nature determines that no one likes to give up anything they believe they are entitled to and over the years our nation has developed an entitlement complex.  If the Government listens to every vested interest group on every subject it will limit their ability to make any changes, even if considered to be in the best interests of the nation.  Pray for our Governments to be given wisdom as to what they should do and the courage of their convictions to make decisions in the best interests of the nation as a whole irrespective of the popularity or unpopularity of that decision with the general population.

*   The Brittany Higgins / Bruce Lehrmann saga has moved to a public inquiry of all circumstances surrounding the case and in particular the conduct of the ACT Director of Public Prosecutions, the Australian Federal Police and the ACT Victims of Crime Commissioner.  Supporters of the inquiry want it extended to include the actions of politicians and other public officials. The inquiry has the potential to ensnare people in high places so requires much prayer to ensure it is in no way compromised or diverted to protect such people. Please pray that the inquiry, to be conducted by Walter Sofronoff KC, will discover the full truth of what actually happened between the defendant and the accused and what role other public parties had in the prosecution or cover-up of the facts in the case.


Praying For Others

This week let us pray for Kuwait. Police monitor the activities of local Christian gatherings. Pray that God will be moving in miraculous ways, strengthening new believers as they follow Him.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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