Australia is regarded, by some, as an effective multicultural nation. Many challenges come in our nation as different ethnic communities will, and should, try to maintain their own traditional and historic customs. The first nation communities want preferential treatment and greater recognition, especially in Canberra. Like most communities they focus on their own needs, protect their own interests, and want to extend their own influence. There will certainly be difficulties in trying to shape our nation to be of one mind when there are so many tensions in it. No community can provide for all human needs and especially for all our relational ones. Those living in a community of love could find their needs starting to be met because they are not just in it for themselves.  In a community of love people grow not by absorbing or erasing other traditions but by seeking to serve others and seeing those in other communities as worthwhile friends. As Christians we can hope to find in a community of love both a growing relationship with God and with other people. Not everyone will value such a community of love. There will be many difficulties as we try to shape our nation into having a common purpose because there are many tensions in it. Those who do live in a community of love know we are not perfect, and trouble still lies ahead.

A community of love could start to grow slowly in our nation as more and more people begin to value and appreciate those coming from different cultures and see them as significant and appreciate their differences. Such a community grows when perfect love overcomes fear (1 Jn 4:18) and more and more speak the truth in love and start to grow in every way into Him who is the head—Christ. (Eph 4:15) . It grows when unconditional love influences what is thought or spoken or what is reported in the media. There are many people who are patient, kind, don’t envy or boast, keep no record of wrongs, rejoice with the truth, don’t delight in evil and always hope and persevere.  (1 Cor 13:4-7)

Let us pray:

*   For a community of love, unconditional love, to grow in our nation as many of us seek to be transformed by the renewing of our minds and able to test and approve what God’s perfect will for our nation is. Pray also for those who have discernment, wisdom and courage to be allowed to speak with freedom and sensitivity.

*   For those of us living in this community will make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace and be rooted and established in love and strengthened with power through the Holy Spirit.

*   Thanking God that there are already many signs of there being the potential of a community of love in our nation, even one of unconditional love.



We are this week beginning a series praying for the truth of God’s word to be understood by our nation and acknowledged as part of the truth that undergirds our values. A growing number of educators and scientists around the world believe the Biblical account of creation. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Self-declared atheist Sir Fred Hoyle, professor of astronomy at Cambridge University, said “The chance that higher life forms might have emerged through evolution is comparable to the chance that a tornado sweeping through a junkyard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials therein”. The likelihood of that is one to a number with 40,000 zeroes after it. Stephen Hawking, one of the most respected scientists since Einstein, acknowledged “The universe and the laws of physics seem to have been specifically designed for us”.  Please pray that as we grapple with issues related to our climate that we would look beyond the scientists of this world and ask the Creator of the universe Himself for the revelation that only He can give as to how we can re-align our planet and our lives with his perfect will revealed since the beginning of time. Only then will we obtain the answers that we seek as to why things are not as some scientists say they should be.

Please pray:

*   that whilst science is a God given revelation to allow us to understand many things it is not infallible. The only infallible source of truth is the Creator of the Universe and He is only too willing to unlock truth to any who seek it by asking. Please pray that more and more of our scientific and political leaders will seek that truth by asking the Creator rather than bowing to the latest scientific theory.

*   that the Church will get back to teaching the fundamental truths of the Bible so that we will not be left ignorant of those truths that affect our very existence.

*   that false truth, as in unproven scientific theory of how man can save himself from disaster, will be exposed, and that biblical truth will continue to be affirmed by scientific revelation agreed upon by all involved in any particular field.



After weeks of a soaring crime rate in Alice Springs and children wandering the town’s streets at night, the two local Aboriginal MPs demanded alcohol bans be returned to curb out-of-control violence.  The bans lapsed in the Northern Territory in September last year, after being in place for more than a decade. Labour MP for Lingiari, Marion Scrymgour and Country Liberal Senator, Jacinta Price both pleaded for a return to a controlled sale of alcohol and a pause in the constitutional debate on a Voice to Parliament referendum.  Up until now the Albanese government has refused to intervene and stressed that policing was strictly a Northern Territory matter.  NT Chief Minister Natasha Fyles has said that she would never back a wider “race-based” intervention such as the kind of alcohol bans that lapsed last year.  Community pressure however has seen both Governments cave-in and re-introduce the lapsed bans.

Please pray:

*   For wisdom for all those making decisions and for consultations to include Indigenous people and organisations.

*   For God to give the young people a purpose in life and for organisations to provide learning opportunities for people who have missed out on school.

*   For a spirit of peace to reign in Alice Springs and other towns at night and for we Christians to be sensitive to the prompting of the Spirit as to what He wants us to do from afar.



*  The first shipment of Australian coal to China for more than two years arrived in China yesterday amid hopes Beijing’s long-running trade war against Australia will soon be resolved. Negotiations are ongoing between the Australian and Chinese Governments. Please pray for continuing breakthroughs in the trade embargos raised by China against various Australian products until the full resumption of trade between our two nations is achieved.

*   Speculation is mounting that Australia may opt for a next-generation British submarine with a US combat system and weapons rather than an American boat. The decision as to which submarines are finally bought for Australia is of critical importance for the future defence of our nation. Please pray asking God to grant wisdom to our government and the leaders of our Defence Forces as they make the important decision as to which boats would best suite our needs as a nation.


This week let us pray for Brunei. Pray for wisdom to be given to church leaders as they encourage their congregations to be light to the nation in the face of persecution and pressure.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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