A new study reveals Scripturally engaged Americans are “far more likely than others to donate to charity.” In fact, the majority of these individuals, who interact consistently with Scripture and allow it to shape their lives and relationships, report giving to such causes, according to the “The State of the Bible” report. “And practicing Christians, those who are actively living out their faith, are much more likely to give.” The results are pretty stunning when comparing people engaged in the Bible with those who are disengaged. Bible-engaged Americans gave a total of $145 billion to charities in 2021, amounting to about $2,907 per household. The same figure for the Bible disengaged was just $924. To underscore the monumental nature of that giving, consider that scripturally engaged Americans account for just 19% of adults yet give 44% of every dollar donated.

Scripture-engaged Christians gave six-times as much to churches as those who are Bible-disengaged,” a statement explained. “When it comes to non-church giving, Scripture-engaged Americans gave 9% more than the Bible-disengaged. Dr. John Plake, director of ministry intelligence for the American Bible Society, said his organization’s research continues to show “a strong correlation between charitable giving and human flourishing.” This is particularly relevant among Christians surveyed in the annual report. “Engaging with the Bible and actively living out our faith doesn’t simply mean reading the words in the pages of Scripture, rather, it is a transformation of the heart that inspires us to love and live well,” Plake said. Atheists will often decry the Bible and its contents, yet study after study shows the strong benefits faith offers individuals and, in turn, the culture at large.

Source: Faithwire

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