A new survey has revealed three-quarters of parents discuss life after death, the origins of the universe, and ideas affecting morality and decision-making with their children. Carried out by Culham St Gabriel’s Trust, the survey asked around 2,000 parents across the UK their thoughts on the importance of Religious Education, in order to understand how often, and in what ways parents in the UK engage with their children on issues relating to religious and non-religious worldviews. Around eight in ten parents said they discuss beliefs about the origins of life and the universe with their children, as well as how beliefs affect people’s behaviour and decision-making. It also found that around three in five parents teach their children a religious or non-religious worldview, including agnostic, atheistic, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu Dharma, and Muslim perspectives.

Schools also emerged as the one of the main sources of their children’s knowledge on different religions and worldviews via Religious Education. More than 60 per cent of parents surveyed regarded the subject as “important” while only 15 per cent said they didn’t see the value of it. Speaking to Premier, Dr Kathryn Wright, chief executive of Culham St Gabriel’s Trust, said most parents were supportive of Religious Education but were worried about to a lack of RE specialist teachers in schools. “Parents are concerned that perhaps there might be a slight bias in some way, or whether the teachers can handle complex issues, and so on. All of that was tied into the fact that they wanted people who were really well-qualified to teach the subject.” “We’re lobbying along with the Religious Education Council and the National Association of RE teachers for a national plan for the subject, which would really promote this approach to the subject that parents clearly want.

Source: Premier Christian News

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