Prominent Christian leader Pastor Jack Hayford has passed away. He died on January 8, 2023, at 88. Affectionately known as Pastor Jack, he was the founding pastor of The Church On The Way in Van Nuys, California, where he served as senior pastor for more than three decades. A prolific and best-selling writer, Hayford authored (or co-authored) more than fifty books and composed 500 hymns and choruses, including the internationally known and widely recorded worship song “Majesty.” Later in life, Hayford founded The King’s University in Southlake, Texas in 1997. He served as chancellor for the evangelical university before handing off the chancellorship to Pastor Robert Morris, lead senior pastor of Gateway Church. The King’s University reports, “His family said he died peacefully in his sleep in the early hours of the morning, having eaten dinner with his wife, Valarie, and having spoken to one of his grandkids the evening before.”
Hayford also served as President of The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel (ICFG) from 2004 to 2009. Charisma Magazine cites Randy Remington, current president of ICFG, as saying, “Pastor Jack was a Kingdom ambassador whose influence transcended denominational, generational, and global boundaries. Jack’s passion for Spirit-filled worship, fervent intercessory prayer, and biblical preaching that revealed Jesus, were modelled in his own personal life. He truly embodied the life he invited others into.” “Pastor Jack lived a life devoted to Jesus, one which he never wavered in or strayed from. Thousands of Pastors found encouragement, inspiration, and lifelong ministry principles through his Pastor’s Schools and conferences. His books, songs, and teachings will continue to inspire and mentor generations to come,” Remington said.
Hayford’s kingdom work will continue to impact the world even after his passing, through the resources he left behind with Jack Hayford Ministries. Pastor Jack was preceded in death by his wife of more than 60 years, Anna Hayford. She passed into eternity on March 8, 2017. Hayford leaves behind four children, 11 grandchildren, a growing number of great-children, and his second wife Valarie.
Source: CBNNews

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