This is the last full Prayer Watch bulletin for 2022.  The next full edition of the Prayer Watch will recommence on Thursday 2nd February 2023.

In the meantime throughout the December/January holiday period an abridged form of the Prayer Watch will be produced each week covering the urgent prayer needs of our nation.

We take this opportunity to thank firstly those Intercessors who have assisted us each week in the drawing up and preparation of the Prayer Watch. We honour them for their faithfulness in providing the material for us to pray into each week.  We also thank you, our members (and there are several thousand of you) for your continued adherence to your commitment to pray for our nation each week. Your loyalty has resulted in a continuous 24/7 prayer cover being provided over our nation now for 22 years. We wish you and your loved ones a Happy and Blessed Christmas as you celebrate the birth of our Saviour.

For those intending to take a break over coming weeks, do enjoy and be refreshed by the break. For those keeping the prayer fires going during the holiday season, thank you, and may God strengthen and encourage you in your task.

Brian Pickering, Prayer Watch Co-ordinator



In the time prior to the birth of Christ there was a widespread sense of expectancy in the known world that something special was about to happen.  A King was to come from Judea whose reign would then be widespread. A Persian tribe called the Medes, had earlier tried to pursue truth through medicine, philosophy and natural science. Through their astrology they believed that stars appeared to signify special events.  Some of them had then set out from Persia following a special star. Their journey overland must have taken many months. Significantly, they arrived in Bethlehem just in time to bow in sacred worship before the newborn King!  Jesus Christ! The star is called “The Star of Hope.”  Hope is often associated with Christmas. How we need this hope – a confident expectation of what God has promised which is dependent on His faithfulness. This Christmas, no matter how dark our world may appear to be, we are reminded God is always able to intervene in ways that are beyond our human understanding and fill our hearts with even greater hope. This hope is a real challenge. It goes far beyond the patterns of the way of the world. Many nations had expressed a hope that their football team will win the World cup. When they failed a deep sadness enveloped their whole nation. For us hope is so different. We rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us… We know that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope. This hope does not disappoint us, (Rom 5:2-5) When we hope in the LORD, we renew our strength. We soar on wings like eagles; run and don’t grow weary, walk, and don’t faint. (Is 40:31) “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful” (Heb 10:23). When life’s struggles and storms toss us about God wants to make the unchanging nature of his purpose very clear to us.  God did this so that we who take hold of the hope set before us may be greatly encouraged. We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. (Heb 6:18-19)

Let us pray:

*  That many of us will take hold of the hope set before us and be greatly encouraged by having this hope as an anchor for our soul, firm and secure.

* “Sovereign Lord, this Christmas open the eyes of many to see your salvation, which you prepared in the sight of all nations: a light for revelation to us Gentiles, and to be the glory of your people Israel.” (Luke 2:30-32)

*   For the God of hope to fill more and more of us with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit we may abound in hope. (Rom 12:13)



Paul writes, “The Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches our hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints according to the will of God” (Romans 8: 26-27 NASB) There are times when we do not know how to express the depth of our desires and feelings, nor do we even realise what is needed. Discouragement and tiredness can also cause us to struggle in prayer. This may be a personal thing that you struggle with, but it is also a corporate thing that the Body of Christ struggles with.

Please pray therefore:

*  For God’s people to be given the ability to know what God is saying in any given circumstance and on any specific issue.

*  For God’s people to have a deepening intimate relationship with God out of which flows an understanding of God’s heart in any given situation.

*   For the empowering of the Holy Spirit to be available to all Christians so they can pray with understanding, meaning and power as God gives instructions on all issues brought to Him in prayer.



The Tasmanian Government, led by Premier Jeremy Rockliff, have made an offer to the unions appeasing the transgender agenda. Included in the list of items making up the offer is “four weeks paid leave and 48 weeks unpaid leave for employees undertaking a gender affirmation process”. The gender affirmation process always includes the appropriation of stereotypes, be it name change, pronouns, costumes, make up, hairstyles, drug dependency (hormones) or body mutilation via surgery. It denies biology, rejects science and disregards commonsense and reality. Gender affirmation treatments permit males to access female-only spaces and services and are based on a lie that a person can change their sex.

Please pray:

“Some people’s idea of free speech is that they are free to say anything they like, but if anyone says anything back, that’s an outrage.” Winston Churchill

“Do for others what you would want them to do for you.  This is the meaning of the Law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets.”  Matthew 7:12

*   Pray that in the negotiations between the Tasmanian Government and the Public Service Unions that the transgender clause may be removed from the final agreement.

*   That when we are opposed or criticised or belittled for our ideas and opinions, and for speaking the truth, we have the courage to speak out anyway.  Pray that we can do so respectfully and remembering that our God is always with us and will never forsake us.

*   Pray for those within the Tasmanian Government and Public Service who do not agree with the appeasing of the transgender agenda that they would be able to stand their ground without vilification until the day comes when there will be no further need for such a clause within workplace agreements.



*  Let us pray for all those impacted by the terrible tragedy which resulted in the gunning down of two police officers and one civilian in Queensland this past week. Pray for families left behind and for communities traumatised. Pray too for the loved ones of the perpetrators (it has been reported that the father of the two gunmen was a retired Christian Pastor) who have to deal with the shame of being associated with such a despicable crime. Pray too that God will work to bring something good for individuals and for communities out of this terrible event intended for evil.

*  Thousands of murder and rape victims will be given another chance at justice after an inquiry recommended cases impacted by botched DNA testing at Queensland’s forensics laboratory be reviewed within a year. Walter Sofronoff KC who conducted the review stated in his report that he was astounded by what was uncovered during the inquiry and said the forensic failings were “as big as it gets”. Please pray for justice to be done in every case where errors were made and DNA material was not properly tested, so that every innocent person will be exonerated, and no guilty person will escape justice.



This week let us pray for Cameroon. Displacement and instability have left churches unable to function normally, with many Christians fleeing their homes. Pray for provision and safety.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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