Mosman Municipal Council on the Lower North Shore of Sydney has ignored community calls to reinstate decades long Christmas traditions. A nativity scene donated by former Mayor, the late Dom Lopez, will no longer be placed in the council foyer and the annual carols presentation by local children at the Seniors Centre has also been cancelled without community consultation. Australian Christian Lobby’s NSW Political Director, Rob Norman, said, “It’s unacceptable for a small group of councillors to cancel Christmas for the sake of political correctness. Why is there no ‘inclusion’ or respect for the Christian elements of the celebration, which is the very reason for the holiday? “Nativity scenes and Christmas carols are a cherished part of Australian life. The children of Mosman have performed Christmas carols and a nativity play at the annual event for seniors since 2008. Christmas is a time of peace and goodwill. Surely Australia needs more goodwill, not less”.
Source: Australian Christian Lobby

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