We want to help God achieve great things, so it is hard to let go and let God. We want to see a great transformation or revival either in ourselves, our families, our churches or our nation and help God achieve this, but do we want to place our whole heart, mind and life under the authority of Christ ? Or have a greater trust in Him, a greater hope and confidence in the work of the Holy Spirit. He wants to use us and not depend on our ability, but on our co-operation. We know the Holy Spirit will prove the world is in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment:  about sin, because people do not believe in Christ (Jn 16:8-9) We have become used to our ways of living a Christian life. It is good that we have hopes and expectations about how or when He will transform or revive us in the future. It is hard to let these go. King David had to let go his traditional strategies to win battles and let go and let God show him what he should do each time. Only once was he told “When you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, then you shall advance quickly. For then the LORD will go out before you” (2 Sam 5:24)

There is a story of a grandmother watching a cicada struggling out of its chrysalis. Because she felt sorry for it, she snipped the strand that seemed to prevent the wing from expanding and the wing became permanently crumpled.  Sometimes our ‘help’ prevents God from accomplishing what He had planned. We want to see dramatic changes taking place in families, churches or our nation so we want to help. It is hard to let go and let God. It is He who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us ( Eph 3:20) He is not slow to carry out His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward us, not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance.( 2 Pet 3:9)

Let us pray:

* Hear our prayer, God above as we come to you and seek your patient love. Hear our hearts, hear our minds Hear the echoes of the words we cannot find. So we pray in faith, your will be done as we long to see your kingdom come with power. We ask with one voice through Jesus Christ our Lord.

* Holy Spirit, we thank you that you have come to prove the world is wrong about sin and righteousness and judgement.(Jn 16:8) and that it is not our job. Fill us with new hope.

* Lord we are bruised and broken, overwhelmed by it all; breathe life into us again by your living word. (Ps 119:107) which is at work in us who believe. (1 Thes 2:13)



It has been noted that the Victorian Parliament is often the door through which much of the permissive legislation that eventually finds its way across Australian, enters. With the Victorian elections approaching it is important that we cover those elections in persistent prayer so we are asking Prayer Watch members to remember Victoria in your prayers over the coming weeks until election day.

Please pray:

* Pray for a mighty move of the Holy Spirit to bring a conviction of our personal sin as Australians and our corporate sin as a nation, resulting in a much needed awareness that as a nation we have turned away from Almighty God.

* Cry out to God for His righteousness, just nature, and rulership to be established in Victoria through the Government that is elected, as it is in heaven.

* Let us pray for justice to be manifested in the Church. Let us repent of our prayerlessness for those in government, and for the times we have judged and criticized them, instead of praying. Pray that the Church will be faithful in praying for all members of Parliament, and their advisors, taking the time to find out the policies and intentions of those in their own constituencies standing for parliament, and ask the Lord to grant His grace and favour to those who would stand up for justice and truth to be elected.



Deloitte Australia chief executive Adam Powick has become one of the first corporate leaders to make public their support for Andrew Thorburn – who stood down as the boss of Essendon football club because of his role as a church chairman.  In a note in his LinkedIn Mr Powick said he had watched the engagement and resignation of Mr Thorburn with “embarrassment and exasperation”. He said the scandal had left him ‘with a much deeper sense of disappointment and concern”. “At Deloitte I get to experience first-hand the power of diverse teams and thinking and can see how additive this is both from cultural and performance related perspectives,” wrote Mr Powick, an Essendon supporter. “For me, this shows a profound lack understanding of what it truly means to live and work in a diverse, inclusive and tolerant society where people are judged by their demonstrated actions, behaviour and capabilities, rather than their personal characteristics and beliefs,” he said.

Please pray:

“A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher.  He would either be a lunatic – on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg – or else he would be the Devil of Hell.  You must make your choice.  Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse.”  C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

“I am with you always.”  Matthew 28:20

*    Pray thankfully that Jesus is right here, right now  – beside us, for us, and within us.

*    Pray thankfully for Adam Powick and people like him who are prepared to speak out against the bias expressed in many arena’s of life.

*    Let’s keep praying fervently for the Lord to send a great revival and awakening in our nation overcoming ideologies such as cancel culture

This is an abridged version of the Prayer Watch pre-prepared due to our editor being Interstate on a ministry related assignment. The normal Prayer Watch will return with all features next week.

Source: Australian Prayer Network 

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