The world is waking up to the profoundly inhuman medical and psychological harms that children with gender dysphoria are experiencing when referred to gender clinics. The international trend is moving away from prescribing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to children under 18 years. Britain’s infamous, and the world’s largest, gender clinic, Tavistock, is now closing, following a review that found it failed vulnerable under 18s. It follows clinics in Finland, Sweden and France suspending the availability of puberty blockers and sex hormones to children unless under strict clinical trials. Tavistock transgender clinic is facing legal action ‘from 1,000 families’ of children who claim they were rushed into taking life-altering puberty blockers’ weeks after NHS shut it down in wake of damning report.
How did we get to this place, where the power of ideology and trans activism is greater than the rightful duty and obligations of parents, and of the medical and legal professions to provide whole-of-person care for children with gender dysphoria? Ideologically driven activists have intimidated the medical profession into silence and compliance with the affirmation model rather than making a stand for our children who are in distress during adolescence and who need holistic or whole-of-person care. Endocrinologists traditionally treated diseases, yet in gender clinics they take perfectly healthy children with no diseases and inject them with puberty blockers to suppress normal hormone levels to treat, not a disease but the mental distress the child is experiencing. How has this gone unchecked for so long? Why are these medical professionals not subject to disciplinary action for deliberately harming our children?
Endocrinologists know the importance of puberty to the full development of a healthy human being. Today gender clinics give medical professionals a licence to offer up puberty as an option to children. The transgender lens has compromised the full care of our children. Gender clinics in Australia need follow the lead of the Tavistock clinic in anchoring whole-person-care back to localised clinics within the mental health system. Our children are making decisions that they can’t possibly understand, decisions with lifelong consequences. They are being sterilised and denied full sexual function, and their brain development is likely compromised. They are being made sick and are being denied the therapeutic support they need to help them with their distress. Instead of asking why there has been an explosion of girls with gender dysphoria in Western countries, the medical profession has bowed to the trans activists at the expense of our children, this is inhuman!
Source: FamilyVoice Australia

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