What aim does each of us have in life ? Have we been challenged by the aim our Queen had for her life which she fulfilled until she died? At 24 she said, “I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service”. As the years passed she added “Jesus whose teachings have been handed down from generation to generation have been the bedrock of my faith”. And “Pray for me … that God may give me wisdom and strength to carry out the solemn promises I shall be making, and that I may faithfully serve Him and you, all the days of my life.” Or quoting from a carol ‘” What can I give Him, poor as I am? ‘Yet what I can I give Him – give my heart.’ She often did reveal her heart such as when a delegation of Aboriginal men asked her about when they would be recognised as citizens they were surprised and deeply touched by the way she showed genuine interest in them as individuals. In 2020 she felt the need to give her nation her heart when they were overwhelmed by Covid. She shared an Easter message showing how the discovery of the risen Christ on the first Easter Day gave His followers new hope and fresh purpose. Our gracious Queen deeply loved and depended on Philip. She was a mother who found herself challenged by bringing up her children and revealed in 2002: “I know just how much I rely on my faith to guide me through the good times and the bad” She was able to make an extraordinary contribution to the Commonwealth and global community in a dramatically changing world. She carried out her original declaration through to the end of her life. Her heart was fully devoted to the LORD Her God, unlike Solomon when he grew old. (1 Kings 11:4)

Let us pray:

* That many of us will be inspired, like Queen Elizabeth, to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God. (Mic 6:8)

* That many will be inspired to devote their lives to service of others , asking God for the wisdom and strength, relying on faith in Him to carry it out and continuing to walk with God to the end of their lives.

*Thanking God for the life of Queen Elizabeth as someone who acknowledged her own need for God’s wisdom, His strength to serve Him, and the teaching of Jesus to be the bedrock of her faith.



Paul writes “Consider yourselves to be dead to the power of sin and alive to God through Christ…. Do not let sin control the way you live: do not give in to sinful desires” (Romans 6: 11-12)  Whilst this is an instruction of a personal nature it also applies to us as a nation. A nation sins when it passes laws that are contrary to the word of God. It is vitally important therefore that God’s Word is the basis for our code of conduct and as carriers of His Word it is important that Christians take every opportunity to prophetically live and proclaim the truth of His word to those around us. If we need a role model we will not find a better one than Jesus.

Please pray:

* that the return of the Christian prophetic voice to our nation will begin with us living what we preach and impacting the spheres of influence that God has placed us in.

* that the word of God will come alive in the lives of every Christian so that the return of the prophetic voice will occur naturally, without judgment, and by example and not by imposition to those around us.

* that God’s grace would rest upon our nation and guide our leaders in His ways according to His truth as given to us through His Word.



Associate Professor Dr Michelle Telfer heads up the Royal Children’s Hospital Gender Service in Melbourne. Recently, when asked, “How can we best support people who want to de-transition?” she ended her response by saying that “to engage in anything other than affirmative therapy is to engage in ‘conversion therapy.” However, the findings of the interim report into the operation of the recently closed Tavistock Clinic in the UK highlighted the paucity of medical evidence to support the so-called ‘affirmation’ approach. The UK National Health Service shut down the Tavistock clinic because of their experimental, non-reversible and damaging treatments for gender dysphoric children such as puberty blockers and cross sex hormones. There is also a pending class action against the Tavistock Clinic with up to 1000 families expected to participate. Dr Telfer seems unaware of the many testimonies of de-transitioners or of formal studies in the scientific literature, one of which studies 100 de-transitioners. In addition, scientific studies show that 70-97.8 percent of males outgrow the desire to be a girl and 50-88 percent of girls outgrow the desire to be a boy.

Please pray:

“Jesus also used some sayings as He spoke to the people. He said: ‘Can one blind person lead another blind person? Won’t they both fall into a ditch?” Luke 9:39

* That the current blind following of ‘affirmation’ therapy in Australia will be abandoned before too many more children add their testimonies of heartbreak and regret.

* For Dr Michelle Telfer and all medical professionals who are influenced by the ‘affirmation’ approach, that they can see the truth and understand the harm that they are doing to their patients. Pray that clinics in Australia similar to the Tavistock clinic will be closed.

* For the church, the body of Christ, to stand, in love, against this attack on our children and their families.


* The death of Her Majesty the Queen has set off amazing scenes of grief and sorrow around the world in what for many is a once in a lifetime experience. Her death has tapped a depth of emotion that has surprised many. Events such as we are witnessing can be culture changing in a nation as they challenge long held attitudes and perceptions that few events can do. Let us pray that God will use Her Majesty’s death to bring a greater sense of purpose and unity to the people of our own nation resulting in an outcome that draws the nation together in accordance with God’s will and for His purposes.

* Inquiries into the management of casino’s in several states has shown numerous breaches of the law, involvement of organised crime and an inability of management to run the casino’s in accordance with the laws governing them. Second chances after management changes seem to be the order of the day due to them possibly being “too big to touch”. Please pray that unless there are major and permanent changes to the way in which the Star Casino in Sydney is run that the threat of terminating their license will be carried through as an example that breaking of laws will not be tolerated in the future.



This week let us pray for Burkina Faso. Give thanks for the local Church as they provide for the physical and spiritual needs of persecuted believers. Pray that their work can continue.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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