We live in a world where we are being challenged by what may seem to be insurmountable issues. God is shaking us. He has said “Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens. This indicates the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain. Since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,  for our “God is a consuming fire”. (Heb12:26-29) We could be tempted to look for manmade ways to survive but let us remember God often choses the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; He chooses the weak things of the world, like you and me, to shame the strong. (1 Cor 1:27) God said to Paul, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore, Paul boasted even more gladly about his weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on him.  That is why, for Christ’s sake, Paul delighted in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when he was weak, then he was strong.(2 Cor 12:9-10)

For thousands of years, we have tried to use our own ways to succeed. We see this throughout the Bible. We have succeeded in winning wars, creating wealth, bringing up successful children, healing people, running successful governments, or creating successful churches and then see ourselves as those who did it. We could ask God how to do it His way and in His time with less dependence on our own human wisdom or insight and to do it with greater fear and trembling. Could our prayers come across with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, not so much with wise and persuasive words, but with our faith not resting on human wisdom, but on God’s power. (From 1 Cor 2:4-5). Let us remember that God often choses the weak things of the world to shame the strong.(1 Cor 1:27)

Let’s pray :

*  As God’s people let us acknowledge that we are weak but that God is strong. Let us be honest with Him about our failures and acknowledge His grace is sufficient for us. Let us also acknowledge that Christ’s power rests on us and that His power is made perfect in our weakness.

*  And worship “We place You on the highest place. For You are the great high priest. We place You high above all else. And we come to You And worship at Your feet”.

*  For the Holy Spirit to guide us as we pray for the significant needs in our nation which are currently on the heart of God.



Listen, view or read any media today and you can quickly become discouraged. Our world is in crisis in many different ways and without God there is not much to hope for into the future. That provides furtile ground for both the Church and individual Christians if we have the right outlook on life supported by the promises of God in His word. It is important in these times that we speak the right words and do not add to people’s woes through negative talk. Words are powerful. They can reinforce fears or strengthen faith. The choice is ours. When talking to others, especially those who do not know the Lord, the impact of our words and actions are more powerful than ever. Our hope is in Christ, whilst people who do not know Him, can draw hope from Him through us. Let us be a positive example through our actions of what we believe in our heart encouraging not only ourselves, but others as they seek to make sense of a world that to them appears out of control.

Let us pray:

*  that God would increase our faith daily as we read His word, and claim His promises for ourselves and those whom we love.

*  that God would give us divine encounters where we can speak encouragement and hope to those who are struggling with, to them, insurmountable problems.

*  that the Church would rise to the occasion and become an agency of help, support and encouragement to all in our communities who have nowhere else to turn when life’s difficulties strike.



According to John Aitken, one of the world’s leading sperm biology and fertilisation experts, Australia has become chronically dependent assisted conception therapies and has failed to confront the dramatic decline in birth-rates.  Immigration policies are used to artificially prop up the country’s population. Professor Aitken said, “…as women become more educated and enter the  workforce,… they have been forced to choose between pursuing a career and having children.  This is a 21st century tragedy.”  In Australia some 20,000 women in their early 40’s undertake IVF therapy each year, with less than 5 per cent successfully falling pregnant.  Professor Aitken said, “…one thing we cannot do is change biology because we stop reproducing in mid-life.”  He said a possible solution would be more generous parental leave schemes or a  Scandinavian-style model that encourages women to have children earlier rather than sacrifice their careers.

Infertility among males has also declined.  Sperm counts are roughly half of what they were five decades ago.  The rise in environmental pollution, including contaminated plastics, over the past 50 years has contributed to the decline and also the rise in reproductive cancers such as testicular cancer.

Please pray:

*   Pray that our nation returns to valuing motherhood, family and children.  Thank God for all these good gifts He has provided.

*   Pray that our government leaders see the importance of timely parenthood and set about introducing plans to support it.

*   Thank God that He is patient with us, that He is in control. Thank Him for His presence, His forgiveness, His wisdom and His strength and that He truly loves us.



*  The unusual events initiated by former Prime Minister Scott Morrison have caused considerable political angst this past week. The secrecy he maintained in carrying out his plan further added to people’s concerns at his actions. However given that, there does not appear to have been anything illegal done, nor any use made of his self appointments that has in any way worked against the national interest or the personal interests of the Australian people. Therefore the outrage appears to be more politically motivated than because of any damage done by his actions. Please pray for peace to be restored within the body politic, for any changes considered necessary to avoid future similar occurrences to be implemented, and for the Morrison family to be protected against vicious backlash from those with a political axe to grind.

*  The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry says the maritime union’s “choke-hold” on ports has made them amongst the least efficient in the world, as business groups prepare to push for “sensible and modest” industrial relations reform at the upcoming jobs and skills summit.  Let us pray that the summit will not only be a success in raising issues that will result in greater productivity for employers and higher wages for employees, but will also result in better industrial relations and improved working arrangements that will result in greater efficiency outcomes in many industries across the nation.



This week let us pray for Indonesia. Missionaries are preparing to distribute tens of thousands of Christian books and Bibles. Pray that God will provide them safe passage into areas that need it.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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