About 2 weeks ago at a Pentecostal church in Perth our former Prime Minister advised Christians to look to God for wisdom and knowledge and not to find themselves dependent on human thinking or science. His comments released a torrent of negative criticisms even though he had affirmed that there was a need for wise government which planned the care of people. The Bible does make it clear that we are to love the poor and care for the needy. It assumes that there are those who are constantly working at producing food, managing crops, and maintaining buildings. He spoke about how easy it was for us to become anxious about the future. It could be about climate change which was particularly affecting the younger generation. It could be about dramatic changes taking place in other countries such as the assassination in Japan of a former Prime Minister or the resignation of the Prime Minister in UK or the horrors of the war in Ukraine. He said it was easy to forget the Lord held the future and forget to pray that His Kingdom come, and His will be done.

The strong negative response from the media revealed a lot about what they assumed the public thought. But for some of us what he shared was real wisdom about things that we needed to hear. When he told Christians not so much to trust in governments nor in the United Nations it was not to discredit them but rather to remind us to put our faith in the Lord. He described the Lord as above institutions and governments. Our laws which were sometimes good or sometimes bad often played important roles . As someone who had helped create laws, he knew that laws are important as were the policies that were created to cope with droughts, floods, bushfires, pandemics, and an overseas war. He knew that it was at times like these that governments had to take up the responsibility to manage them.  He knew how his election as Prime Minister was a miracle, but then acknowledged some of his own limitations in that role.

Let’s pray:

* To our heavenly Father and ask for His Kingdom to come, and His will to be done in Australia as it is in heaven.

* Thanking the Lord for those who have been elected and for those who acknowledge their own need to trust in God for help, are aware of their own weaknesses, and are willing to forgive those who attack and denigrate.

* For those in our new Federal Government to create and implement policies and laws to benefit our nation both now and in the future.



Australia is facing numerous storms the like of which have not been experienced before in many of our life-times. Faith in these times is an essential if we are going to survive. Those without faith will flounder and some may even sink. Jeremiah faced similar storms but realised when he was sinking that he had to shift his gaze. When Jeremiah turned his eyes away from the waves to look to God, he started to recite a quintet of promises : 1. The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases 2. His mercies never come to an end 3. They are new every morning 4. Great is His faithfulness 5. The Lord is my portion. (Lamentations 3:21-24 NRS) The storm didn’t cease but Jeremiah’s discouragement did. Let us too be encouraged for ourselves and our nation as we place our hope In the Lord taking our eyes off the waves that are crashing around us.

Please pray: 

*  that as Christians stand strong in their faith in the midst of worldly turmoil that many would observe and come to find Christ as they follow in our footsteps and place their hope in the One who is the author of all peace.

*  that a Godly peace descends upon the leaders and people of our nation, that fear subsides, and renewed hope emerges in the most unexpected places pointing people again to a God who is faithful and who exudes steadfast love for all His people.

*  that what Satan seeks to use to destroy our nation and her people, God will turn back against him, and that His glory will again shine in our nation and bring spiritual revival to our land.



The Catholic Archbishop of Sydney, Anthony Fisher, says Catholic political leaders such as US President Joe Biden, who make a virtue of their faith, should stand up for the church’s teaching, including on abortion.  Joe Biden has been quoted as saying that the US Supreme Court’s overturning of the constitutional right to abortion will cause major social problems and difficulties for women.  Archbishop Fisher also argued that Anthony Albanese was misguided in labelling the US Supreme Court decision a global “setback” for women’s health and safety.  “I don’t think this was an attack on women or women’s rights,” the Archbishop said. “It was, as best, a legal question of who should decide these matters.” The 1973 Roe v. Wade case had effectively “invented a constitutional right and, in the process took that power away from legislators and voters”.  The acceptance of that decision had “trivialised the moral question of whether thousands or, in the case of America, millions of unborn babies matter.”

Please pray:

“He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.”  Micah 6:8

*   Let’s be very thankful that the US Supreme Court overturned the Wade v. Roe decision and that the judges acted justly in spite of public outcry. Let us also pray that this decision will enable justice for millions of unborn babies.

*   Pray for our leaders, especially our Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, that they would see that allowing and promoting easy abortion is not a kindness to anyone, men, women or unborn babies; that true kindness is only found in our God and His word.

*   Pray that we, as believers, may walk humbly with our God.  Pray for Christian leaders such as Archbishop Anthony Fisher, that they may continue to humbly recognise the Lord as the source of their wisdom and gain courage from that.



*  With the recently elected Federal Parliament now in session, let us pray for God’s wisdom to be granted to those elected to lead us, irrespective of which party they represent. Please pray for Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Leader of the Opposition Peter Dutton as they guide their respective parties and our nation through the next 3 years.

*  Seven Pacific Island members of the Manly Rugby League 1st Grade team who are Christians have refused to play in the “Gay Pride” uniform their club has decided should be worn in this week’s round, causing a major incident that could result in their team missing out on reaching the end of season play offs. They have received strong support from many sections of the general public for their stand, but also of course hostile vilification from within the LGBTI community and disappointed Manly football fans. Please pray for these young men that they will receive the full support of their Pacific Island community and Christian supporters for their stand, and that the fiery darts of the enemy directed against them would not harm nor intimidate them and that they will suffer no repercussions from within the club to their ongoing football careers.



This week let us pray for Turkmenistan. Pray that Christians who have come from a Muslim background will be bold in sharing Jesus with their family and friends. Pray for their safety.

Source: Australian Prayer Network

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