Subscription Form
When you subscribe to the Australian Prayer Network Newsletters you will automatically receive the weekly Australian Newsletter, the weekly International Newsletter and also a Feature Article which is sent out monthly. You can choose to receive our monthly Israel Newsletter by ticking the relevant subscription check box. If you wish to change your subscription at a later date you can do so after you receive your confirmation email.
If you wish to make any changes once you have subscribed, you can select Manage My Subscription from the Member menu, enter your email address and the Member Details screen will be opened for you to make any changes you need. If you are needing to change your email address please email info@ausprayernet.org.au with details of your name, old email address, and your new email address.
If you are concerned about giving your personal details please read our Privacy Policy.
A Confirmation of your subscription will be emailed to you when you click the Subscribe button.
Important Email List Selection Information
The default subscription list has four list automatically ticked which we recommend you leave ticked.
The other lists are dependent on your choice which you can unsubscribe from at any time.
The Sydney and Melbourne lists are for those who live in those greater metropolitan areas.
The State lists are used to send important emails relevant to just those States. If you live in one of these States tick that box to receive those specific emails.