The Massachusetts’s House of Representatives has voted unanimously to pass a monstrous bill that would, ostensibly, allow women to sell their unborn children to the highest bidder. The measure commodifies women and allows children to be treated as nothing more than chattel – as items to be sold – although none of the legislators are saying that out loud. Known as the “Parentage Equality Bill”” or H.4672, the Act devilishly banishes the immutable truth that children should be raised in a loving home by their biological parents while obliterating the terms “mother” and “father,” trading them out for “person who gives birth” and “other parent,” or “genetic source.” Even the pronoun “his” is dumped in favour of a more ambiguous, non-gendered “their.” The Act is written as if the complementarity of the sexes were an outdated social construct. This bill redefines parenthood “on the basis of a ‘person’s intent to be a parent of a child,’” noted Patiece Griswold of Them Before Us (TBU), an organization devoted to protecting children’s rights.
“In doing so, it strips all mention of mothers and fathers from parentage law, replacing these vital familial roles with gender-erased language.” Griswold said. Sponsors say the bill will protect relationships between parents and children, but in reality, it protects the rights of parents who obtain children through surrogacy. And many, if not most, of those parents will be homosexual men. As such, while purporting to protect relationships between parents and children, the bill untethers the all-important, irreplaceable relationship every child has for his or her mother, completely disregarding that universal longing. Apparently not a single legislator was troubled by the content or intent of the bill, which passed 156-0. It will now advance to the Massachusetts Senate. It’s unsurprising that this measure is making its way through the Massachusetts legislature. After all, the Bay State was the first to embrace the impossible notion of same-sex “marriage” back in 2004, and its Supreme Court ruled more than three decades ago that same-sex partners could adopt kids.
Source: LifeSiteNews