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Queensland Tribunal Delivers Extraordinary Victory for Freedom of Speech and Protection of Children

After a process that has cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and taken three and a half years, Lyle Shelton has had a huge victory in the vilification case brought against him by two drag queens in Queensland. The Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal found that Lyle’s blogs criticising drag queen story time for children at a local public library did not amount to vilification. The Human Rights Law Alliance was privileged to represent Lyle in this case. This is an important win for freedom of speech. The basic freedom to discuss significant issues such as the protection of children and gender ideology should be protected as a matter of public interest. Since the decision was handed down, John Steenhof, Principal Lawyer at the Human Rights Law Alliance said, “I’ve had the opportunity to appear on several media outlets to discuss this extraordinary victory and the implications for Christians standing up for their faith in the public square.”

Steenhof went on “What is clear though is that Lyle has been exceptionally courageous. His witness and this victory will give Christians like us the courage to also stand up for our faith.” The Human Rights Law Alliance is a Christian charitable law firm set up to protect and advance the religious freedom of all Australians. Since commencing as a law firm in 2019, HRLA has provided legal advocacy and advice to people who are under attack for living out their faith and convictions in public.

Source: National Alliance of Christian Leaders