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Only 6% of adults in the United Kingdom identify as practicing Christians, while 42% say they are non-practicing Christians, according to the findings of a recent survey. As many as 70% of those who identify as Christians are white Brits, who represent 83% of the U.K.’s adult population, whilst 25% of those who identify as Christians are ethnic minorities, although they represent only 12% of the U.K.’s adult population. The survey of more than 3,000 U.K. adults, commissioned by five Christian organizations, also found that 4% identify as agnostics, and 12% as atheists. In 2015, 68% of non-Christians in the U.K. said they knew someone who was an active or practicing Christian, but in 2022, that has fallen to 53% the survey noted. “It’s a significant drop that shows that our reach has diminished, and we’ve got less contact,” Rachel Jordan-Wolf, executive director of Hope Together, a group involved in the research said.

The study also showed that a quarter of Brits describe Jesus as a “normal human being,” and 33% as a prophet or spiritual leader, and not God. However, while only 6% of Brits identify as Christian, the survey revealed that 45% of people believe in the Resurrection of Jesus, and 20% believe He is the Son of God. Asked where would people go to find out about the Christian faith, 26% said they would search on Google, 22% said they would go to a local church, 22% said they would read the Bible, and 15% said they would talk to a friend or a family member who is Christian. The survey, which was also featured by the Church of England on its website, further showed that 62% of non-Christians describe the Christians they know as friendly, 50% as caring, 33% as good-humoured, 32% as generous, 19% as authentic.

Source: Christian Post